An-2 "Colt"
In 1946, Oleg Antonov was given the task of creating an all-purpose utility plane to replace the Polikarpov Po-2. His resultant design, which first flew in 1946, the An-2 (nicknamed "Colt" by NATO and "Annushka" by the Soviets) is the largest single-engine biplane in history. Despite its size, it is easy to fly (although a little tail-heavy) with excellent STOL capabilities. It has been employed in a wide variety of roles: passenger carrier, utility transport, crop spraying, fire fighting, medivac, atmospheric sampling, artillery correction, and as a floatplane water-bomber. It can also be fitted with skis for ice landings. In the 1960s, production shifted to WSK-PZL of Poland, who continued to produce the plane into the 1980s. It has also been license-produced in East Germany and China, to a total of some 23,000 planes worldwide. Although it no longer serves in passenger service, it is still widely employed by private concerns throughout the world.
The An-2 has a crew of one or two. It can transport 12 adults and 2 children or
2,733 lbs. of freight. The plane had a
historical range of 560 miles. The plane
uses 33.6 gallons of aviation fuel per hour at routine usage. A full load of fuel costs $63.40.
Heavy Fighter-Bomber chassis +4; Medium Fighter-Bomber wings with Biplane
option +3; 3 fixed wheels +1.
Powertrain: 746-kW aerial HP gasoline engine with 746-kW
prop, 317-gallon standard fuel tank, and 4,000-kWs batteries.
Occ.: 2 CS, 13 PS Body
Cargo: 0 Body
Armor F
All: 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3
Body: Autopilot, navigation instruments, medium
radio transmitter and receiver, backup driver controls.
Size: 41'x59'x14' Payload: 2.26
tons Lwt.: 6.06 tons
Volume: 640 Maint.: 39
hours Cost: $26,005
HT: 9.
HPs: 262 Body, 330 each Wing, 35
each Wheel.
aSpeed: 160
aAccel: 4 aDecel:
20 aMR: 5
aSR: 1
Speed: 54 mph. Take Off Run: 324
yards. Landing Run: 292 yards.
gSpeed: 177
gAccel: 9 gDecel:
10 gMR: 0.5
gSR: 3
Pressure: Very High. 1/8 Off-Road
The chassis was a bit too small for the
design, but the next size up was far too large. As it was, chassis and wing weigh, cost and HPs were halved to
reduce design weight. Design loaded
weight was lowered 7% more to the historical; design payload was reduced 540
lbs. to the historical value as well.
The design purchases a 315-gallon fuel tank; the historical capacity is
shown. The two child passengers are
given a single adult passenger station.
Historical wing area was 770 sf.
Design aSpeed was 168 mph.
Historical values for wing area and loaded weight were used for
performance calculations. Some sources
list an impressive 30 mph stall speed, a take-off run of 170 m, and a landing
run of 215 m. These values were fairly
incompatible with the design values and calculations (i.e., even using 30 mph
as the stall speed, design gAccel and gDecel do not produce these values), so
they are not listed.
The An-2F (1964) was an experimental
artillery observation version with a dorsal MG position.
The An-2F was a fire-fighting version.
The An-2S was the agricultural crop
spraying version.
The An-3 (1972) featured a longer nose
and a 701-kW turboprop.
The An-4 (or An-2V) was a floatplane
fire-fighting version.
The An-6 (or An-2ZA) was a version built
for meteorological research.
Polish-built variants include the An-2
Geofiz (geological survey), An-2M (similar to the An-2V), An-2P (passenger
plane with better soundproofing), An-2PK (five-seat executive transport),
An-2PR (television relay), An-2R (an improved agricultural version with
hermetically sealed cabin), An-2S (ambulance version), An-2T (basic GP model),
An-2TD (paratrooper version), and the An-2TP (a passenger/freight version of
the -TD).
From the Aerodrome for GURPS
© 2008 by Jim Antonicic