P-6 Hawk
The P-6 was the last biplane type to be
accepted by the U.S. Army Air Corps. It
was one of the most impressive of the Curtiss Hawk planes, and the Army
received 46 fighters in the winter of 1931-2.
The P-6 never saw combat.
The P-6E Hawk burns 22.4 gallons of aviation fuel per hour at routine usage. A full load of fuel and ammo costs $50.
P-6E Hawk
Light Fighter chassis +3; Recon Fighter wings with Biplane option +2; 2 fixed
wheels +0.
Powertrain: 448-kW HP turbocharged gasoline engine with
448-kW old prop and 50-gallon standard fuel tank [Body].
Occ.: 1 XCS Body
Cargo: 8.5 Body
Armor F RL B T U
Body: 2/2C 2/2C 2/2C 2/2C
Wings: 2/2C 2/2C 2/2C 2/2C 2/2C
Wheels: 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3
LMG/7.62 mm Browning [Body:F] (2,000 rounds each).
Size: 23'x31'x9' Payload: 0.38 tons Lwt.:
1.71 tons
Volume: 144
Maint.: 77 hours Cost: $6,835
HT: 8.
HPs: 50 Body, 100 each Wing, 8
each Wheel.
aSpeed: 204
aAccel: 7 aDecel:
21 aMR: 5
aSR: 1
Speed: 50 mph. Take-Off Run: 192 yards. Landing Run: 250 yards.
gSpeed: 259
gAccel: 13 gDecel:
10 gMR: 1.25
gSR: 2
Pressure: Very High. 1/8 Off-Road
Historical wing area was 252 sf. The weight, cost and HPs of the wings were doubled
to increase design weight; Lwt was only increased 3% to the historical. The MG load outs are a guess. Design payload was 725 lbs; the historical
value has been substituted. The design
purchases a 60-gallon tank; the 50-gallon value comes from a modern flying
replica, but is used as shown. Design
aSpeed was 200 mph. Performance
calculations were based on historical values for wing area and loaded weight. The Body MGs are synchronized, lowering RoF
by 10% (see p. W:MP8). The historical
purchase price for a P-6E in 1931 was $12,211.
Technically, the P-6 was yet another
variant of the Curtiss P-1 Hawk. A
variety of XP-6 variants possessed alternate engines. Eight other P-6 models were produced, again, only differing in
the engine mounted in the airframe.
From the Aerodrome for GURPS
© 2008 by Jim Antonicic