Hannoversche Waggonfabrik A.G.
traditionally manufactured railway rolling stock. In 1915, however, it was required by the German government to
begin producing airplanes for the war effort.
So, in 1916, the company began license-building the Aviatik C I, the
Halberstadt D II and the Rumpler C Ia.
As the aviation department became better equipped, the company began
plans for constructing planes of its own design to meet the German high
command's new "CL" designation--two-seater planes that were lighter,
faster and more agile than the "C" planes which were suffering from
the Allies' newest fighters. The
resulting series of planes culminated in the CL V, two-seat ground-attack and
escort fighter with respectable performance.
Only 46 of the requested 100 planes were constructed during 1918, and it
is unsure if any of the type even saw combat.
After the war, another 62 planes were constructed, as well as 14
examples being built in Norway in 1923-4.
These Norwegian planes remained in service until 1929.
The CL V burns 6.9 gallons of aviation fuel per hour of routine usage. The plane had a historical endurance of 3 hours. A full load of fuel and ammo costs $22.45.
Recon Fighter chassis +2; Recon Fighter wings with Biplane option +2; 2 fixed
wheels +0.
Powertrain: 138-kW HP gasoline engine with 138-kW old
prop and 37.25-gallon fuel tank [Body].
Occ.: 2 XCS Body
Cargo: 6 Body
Armor F RL B T U
Body: 2/2W 2/2W 2/2W
2/2W 2/2W
Wings: 1/2C 1/2C 1/2C 1/2C 1/2C
Wheels: 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3
LMG/7.92 mm LMG 08/15 [Body:F] (500 rounds each).*
LMG/7.92 mm Parabellum [Body:B] (500 rounds).
Size: 23'x34'x9' Payload: 0.4 tons Lwt.:
1.19 tons
Volume: 96
Maint.: 119 hours Cost:
HT: 6.
HPs: 15 Body, 50 each Wing, 3
each Wheel.
aSpeed: 115 aAccel:
3 aDecel: 15
aMR: 4 aSR: 1
Speed: 38 mph. Take-Off Run: 160
yards. Landing Run: 144 yards.
gSpeed: 172
gAccel: 9 gDecel:
10 gMR: 0.5
gSR: 2
Pressure: Very High. 1/8 Off-Road
Historical wing area was 307 sf.
MG load outs are a guess. Design
payload was 717 lbs; the historical value has been substituted. Design aSpeed was 108 mph. Performance calculations were based on
historical values for wing area and loaded weight. A 30-gallon fuel tank was purchased for the design; the
historical capacity is shown. The Body
MGs are synchronized, lowering RoF by 10% (see p. W:MP8).
The CL II (1917) was the initial
type. It featured a 134-kW engine. 439 built.
The CL III (1917) featured a 134-kW
engine. It was armed with a single MG
to the front, as well as the observer's gun.
It was otherwise similar. 537 built.
The Kjeller F.F.7 Hauk was the same
plane, license-built in Norway.
From the Aerodrome for GURPS
© 2008 by Jim Antonicic