A Fury was a single-seat fighter biplane
produced for the RAF in the late 1930s.
It was faster than its contemporary, the Bristol Bulldog, but more
expensive to produce. It was produced
in small numbers (98 for the RAF), and superseded by the Hawker Hurricane by
the beginning of the war. It was used
during the war as a trainer.
The Fury burns 23.8 gallons per hours at routine usage. The plane had a historical range of 270 miles. A full load of fuel and ammo costs $59.
Fury Mk II
Subassemblies: Recon Fighter chassis +2; Recon Fighter wings with Biplane option +2; 2 fixed wheels +0.
Powertrain: 477-kW Supercharged HP gasoline engine with
477-kW prop and 45-gallon standard fuel tank [Body]; 4,000-kW battery.
Occ.: 1 XCS Body
Cargo: 4 Body
Armor F RL B T U
Body: 2/2C 2/2C 2/2C 2/2C 2/2C
Wings: 2/2C 2/2C 2/2C 2/2C 2/2C
Wheels: 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3
Ground HMG/.500 Vickers Mk III [Body:F] (600 rounds each).
Body: Medium radio transmitter and receiver,
autopilot, navigation instruments.
Size: 27'x30'x10' Payload: 0.44
tons Lwt.: 1.80 tons
Volume: 96 Maint.: 74
hours Cost: $7,305
HT: 7.
HPs: 30 Body, 100 each Wing, 3
each Wheel.
aSpeed: 223
aAccel: 8 aDecel:
20 aMR: 5
aSR: 1
Speed: 52 mph. Take-Off Run: 208
yards. Landing Run: 270 yards.
gSpeed: 260
gAccel: 13 gDecel:
10 gMR: 0.5
gSR: 2
Pressure: Very High. 1/8 Off-Road
Historical wing area was 252 sf. The design weight was increased 2% to the
historical. The design purchases 1,250
rounds of ammo; the historical load outs is shown. Design payload was 743 lbs; the historical value has been
substituted. Design aSpeed was 235 mph. Performance calculations were based on
historical values for wing area and loaded weight.
The Mk I (1931) featured a 392-kW
engine. 160 built.
The Hornet, Intermediate Fury, and
High-Speed Fury were all single plane prototypes. The High-Speed Fury was developed into the Mk II.
From the Aerodrome for GURPS
© 2008 by Jim Antonicic