The last of the RAFs light bombers to
feature biplane wings, the Hawker Hind was designed in 1934 to function as an
interim replacement for the Hawker Hart.
The Hind was essentially an improvement of the Hart, with a more
powerful engine, improvements to the crew space, and a tailwheel instead of a
skid. The aircraft was rapidly produced
until 1937, and was supplied to the RAF and the Commonwealth nations of New
Zealand, India and South Africa, as well as export sales to Afghanistan, Latvia,
Persia, Portugal, Switzerland, and Yugoslavia.
After 1937, the Bristol Blenheim and Fairey Battle began to replace the
Hind, which was then relegated to training purposes. By 1942, the Hind had been phased out of active service
The Hind has a crew of two: pilot and
bombardier. The plane uses 24 gallons
of gasoline per hour at routine usage.
It had a historical range of 430 miles.
A full load of fuel and ammo (excluding bombs) costs $34.
Hind Mk I
Recon Fighter chassis +2; Light Fighter wings with Biplane option +2; 3 fixed
wheels +0.
Powertrain: 477-kW HP gasoline engine with 477-kW prop,
120-gallon fuel tank [Body], and 4,000-kWs battery.
Occ.: 2 XCS Body
Cargo: 0
Armor F RL B T U
Body: 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2
Wings: 1/2C 1/2C 1/2C 1/2C 1/2C
Wheels: 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3
LMG/.303 Vickers Mk III [Body:F] (1,000 rounds).
LMG/.303 Lewis [Body:B] (1,000 rounds).
lbs. of Bombs [Wings:U].
Body: Medium radio transmitter and receiver,
autopilot, navigation instruments, bombsight, universal and casemate mount for
rear MG, 3 hardpoints.
Size: 29'x37'x10' Payload: 1.02
tons Lwt.: 2.65 tons
Volume: 96 Maint.: 78
hours Cost: $6,542
HT: 6.
HPs: 15 Body, 135 each Wing, 2
each Wheel.
aSpeed: 186
aAccel: 5 aDecel:
37 aMR: 9
aSR: 1
Speed: 45 mph. Take Off Run: 184
yards. Landing Run: 203 yards.
gSpeed: 214
gAccel: 11 gDecel:
10 gMR: 0.5
gSR: 2
Pressure: Moderate. ¼ Off-Road Speed.
Historical wing area was 348 sf. Design loaded weight was 5,372 lbs.; it was
decreased 1% to the historical. Design
aSpeed as 201 mph; design Stall Speed was 54 mph. Historical values were used for all calculations when
available. Fuel capacity and machine
gun loadouts are a guess. Using the
calculated gSpeed at ¼ Off-Road speed (53.5 mph) gSpeed is 100% of stall speed,
allowing the airplane to get airborne in a bumpy field, at the GM's discretion.
There were no true variants of the
Hind. Some foreign planes were equipped
with similar engines by varying manufacturers.
Later in the plane's career the machine guns and bomb racks were
stripped, and backup controls added, to convert the plane into a trainer.
From the Aerodrome for GURPS
© 2009 by Jim Antonicic