E7K "Alf"
In use since the mid-1930s, the Type 94
Reconnaissance Seaplane Model 2 saw moderate deployment in frontline service
with the IJN until 1943. The plane was
constructed of a metal frame with cloth covering. It was well liked by pilots for its ease of handling. Late in the war, the plane was also used for
kamikaze attacks. It was known by the
Allied codename "Alf." Some
350 examples were built.
The E7K2 has a crew of three: pilot, two
observers/gunners. Each crew has access
to a single 7.7mm Type 92 LMG; the pilots MG is fixed in the forward position
while both of the observer's guns are trainable to the rear: one dorsally and
one ventrally. The plane can carry up
to 265 lbs. of bombs. The E7K burns
32.5 gallons of fuel per hour and has a historical endurance of 11.5
hours. A full load of fuel and ammo
(excluding bombs) costs $1,732.
E7K2 "Alf"
Medium Fighter chassis +3; Heavy Fighter wings with Biplane option +2; 2 fixed
Skids +1; two Small AFV Waterproofed pontoons [Body:U] +2.
Powertrain: 649-kW Aerial Supercharged HP gasoline
engine with 649-kW prop; 255-gallon standard fuel tank; 4,000-kW battery.
Occ.: 3 XCS Body
Cargo: 0 Body
Armor F RL B T U
Body: 1/2C 1/2C 1/2C 1/2C 1/2C
Wings: 1/2C 1/2C 1/2C 1/2C 1/2C
Pontoons: 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2
LMG/7.7mm Type 92 LMG [Body:F] (500 rounds).
LMG/7.7mm Type 92 LMG [Body:B] (500 rounds).
LMG/7.7mm Type 92 LMG [Body:U] (500 rounds).
Bombs [Body:U]
Body: Navigation instruments, medium range radio
transmitter, two casemate mounts, 265-lb. hardpoint.
Size: 34'x46'x16' Payload: 1.32
tons Lwt.: 3.64 tons
Volume: 200 Maint.: 40
hours Cost: $25,406
HT: 7.
HPs: 60 Body, 180 each Wing, 30
each Skid, 75 each Pontoon.
aSpeed: 171
aAccel: 5 aDecel:
18 aMR: 4.5
aSR: 1
Speed: 53 mph. -1 aSpeed with loaded
wSpeed: 22
wAccel: 5 wDecel:
1 (3.5) wMR: 0.1
wSR: 3
1.6 feet. Flotation Rating: 13,362 lbs.
Historical wing area was 469 sf. The weight, cost and HPs of all components
(chassis, wings, pontoons) were halved to reduce design weight. Design loaded weight was 7,326 lbs.; this
was decreased a further 1% to the historical.
Design aSpeed was 177; the historical aSpeed is shown. MG load-outs and fuel
capacity are a guess, but were used to bring design payload to within 2% of the
historical. Historical loaded weight
and wing area were used for all performance calculations. The pontoons have average lines. Takeoff from the water requires a 10 mph
The E7K1 (1934) featured an unreliable
462-kW engine. By 1935 it was only used
for second line duties. At the end of
the war, it was also used for kamikaze attacks. 183 built.
From the Aerodrome for GURPS
© 2008 by Jim Antonicic