7F.1 Snipe
Designed as a replacement for the Sopwith Camel, the Snipe went through several revisions and faced stiff competition from the Bobolink and Nieuport B.N.1 before being accepted by the British Air Ministry. The plane began arriving at the front in the summer of 1918, and the 100 planes delivered before war's end demonstrated the fine capabilities of the aircraft. The plane continued in British service until 1926, with a total of 497 examples being built when production ended in 1919.
The Snipe was one of the first planes to
include heat and oxygen for the pilot for high altitude flying. The plane has a historical endurance of 3
hours; it burns 8.6 gallons of aviation fuel per hour at routine usage. A full load of fuel, ammo, and bombs costs
Recon Fighter chassis +2; Recon Fighter wings with Biplane option +2; 2 fixed
wheels +0.
Powertrain: 172-kW HP gasoline engine with 172-kW old
prop and 38½-gallon standard fuel tank [Body].
Occ.: 1 XCS Body
4.5 Body
Armor F RL B T U
Body: 1/2C 1/2C 1/2C 1/2C 1/2C
Wings: 1/2C 1/2C 1/2C 1/2C 1/2C
Wheels: 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3
LMG/.303 Vickers [Body:F] (1,000 rounds each).*
bombs [Wings:U].
Body: Limited life support (0.25 man-days). Wings: 4 25-lb. hardpoints.
Size: 20'x30'x9' Payload: 0.35
tons Lwt.: 1.01 tons
Volume: 96
Maint.: 116 hours Cost:
HT: 7.
HPs: 15 Body, 50 each Wing, 3
each Wheel.
aSpeed: 121
aAccel: 4 aDecel:
18 aMR: 4.5
aSR: 1
Speed: 38 mph. Take-Off Run: 144
yards. Landing Run: 144 yards.
gSpeed: 209
gAccel: 10 gDecel:
10 gMR: 0.5
gSR: 2
Pressure: High. 1/6 Off-Road Speed.
Historical wing area was 270 sf. MG load out is a guess. The design purchases a 45-gallon fuel tank;
the historical capacity is shown. The
design weight was decreased 2% to the historical. Design aSpeed was 125 mph.
Performance calculations were based on historical values for wing area
and loaded weight. The Body MGs are
synchronized, lowering RoF by 10% (see p. W:MP8). Using the calculated gSpeed at 1/6 Off-Road speed (35 mph) gSpeed
is still 92% of stall speed, so the plane could therefore potentially get
airborne in a bumpy field, at the GM's discretion.
The TF.2 Salamander (1918) was a ground
attack version featuring the addition of 650 lbs. of plate armor on the lower
fuselage to protect against enemy ground fire.
Fuel tankage was reduced to 29 gallons.
82 built; none were used after the war.
The Dragon (1918) was a Snipe equipped
with an unreliable 268-kW Dragonfly IA engine.
It had a top speed of 150 mph.
76 were built, but none survived due to engine problems.
From the Aerodrome for GURPS
© 2008 by Jim Antonicic