The plane that started it all, the Wright
Flyer was the culmination of Orville and Wilber Wright's experiments with
unpowered gliders. The first flyer flew
at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina in 1903.
The Flyer III, however, was the first machine to make more than a token
flight, and was flown by Wilber in 1905 for 39 minutes, covering a distance of
24 miles.
Wright Flyer III
Heavy Fighter wings with Biplane option +2; 2 fixed skids +0.
Powertrain: 111-kW HP gasoline engine with 11-kW old
prop and 3-gallon fuel tank [Wings].
Occ.: 1 XCS Body
Cargo: 0 Body
Armor F RL B T U
Wings: 1/1C 1/1C 1/1C 1/1C 1/1C
Skids: 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3
Size: 28'x40.5'x8' Payload: 0.11
tons Lwt.: 0.43 tons
Volume: 44 Maint.: 119
hours Cost: $2,818
HT: 12.
HPs: 90 each Wing, 3 each Skid.
aSpeed: 35
aAccel: 1 aDecel:
76 aMR: 19
aSR: 1
Speed: 18 mph. Take-Off Run: 81
yards. Landing Run: 22 yards.
gSpeed: 81
gAccel: 4 gDecel:
15 gMR: 0.5
gSR: 1
Pressure: High. 1/6 Off-Road Speed.
The design treats the aircraft as a
flying wing, with the chassis being inconsequential (that is, non-existent) in
the design. Landing gear from a Recon
Fighter chassis was assumed. Wing
weight, cost and HPs was divided by four; design weight was 4 lbs. under
historical weight. Fuel capacity is a
guess based on the duration of the longest flight and the design's fuel
consumption. The design uses the Cycle
seat option for the pilot, since there is essentially no crew station at all. Historical wing area was 503 sf. Historical values for weight and wing area
were used for performance calculations.
Design aSpeed is 28 mph.
The Wright Flyer I had a 9-kW engine.
The Wright Flyer II was unsuccessful, but
formed the basis for the Wright Flyer III.
From the Aerodrome for GURPS
© 2008 by Jim Antonicic