AS350 B3 AStar
The AS350 B3 is a single-engine,
light-duty helicopter employed by a number of law enforcement agencies in the
United States, including the LAPD, Miami-Dade PD, Baltimore PD, U.S. Customs
and Border Protection, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and the
DEA. In Europe, it is known as the AS
350 Ecureuil ("Squirrel"). It
is also used as a corporate transport, seating 4-6 passengers depending upon
cabin arrangement, and as an EMT helicopter, capable of carrying one or two
stretcher patients plus 2 medical attendants.
In a purely cargo role, the helicopter can transport one pilot and 76.28
cf of cargo, or 3,000 lbs. externally in a cargo sling.
An AS350 B3 was used to land on top of
the summit of Mount Everest on May 14, 2005.
The AS350 B3 burns 37.7 gallons of jet
fuel per hour at routine usage. A full
load of fuel
costs $429.
Subassemblies: Body +3, Top-and-tail rotor +0, two fixed
Skids +0.
Powertrain: 628-kW Improved gas turbine; 628-kW Improved
TTR drivetrain, 2,300-kWs advanced battery.
Fuel: 143 gallons jet fuel (Fire 13) in light
self-sealing tank [Body] (fire +0).
Occupancy: 1 NCS, 4-6 R-NPS.
Cargo: 0 lbs. [Body].
Armor F
All: 2/4 2/4 2/4 2/4
Body: Civilian Helicopter Package (autopilot, GPS,
long-range radio (300 miles), navigation instruments, 1-mile searchlight,
transponder), 7-man environmental control, duplicate controls.
36'x?'x10' Payload: 1.2 tons Lwt.: 2.5 tons
Volume: 325 cf Maint.: 18
hours Price: $3,400,000
HT: 12.
HPs: 213 Body, 95 Rotors, 29
each Skid.
aSpeed: 178
aAccel: 4 aDecel:
18 aMR: 4.5
aSR: 2
speed 0.
Body is 325 cf; rotor is 6.5 cf; skids
are 16.25 cf. Structure is light,
expensive with fair streamlining. Armor
is standard composite. Mechanical
controls. Fuel tank is light,
seal-sealing. An additional 125-gallon
ferry tank is available as an option; provision was made for the tank's volume,
but not weight. Real-world endurance is
4.1 hours. Empty weight is 2,603
lbs. Design loaded weight matched
real-world loaded weight exactly; design empty weight was over by 8%. Design aSpeed was 198 mph. Asking price for a 2008 model was
$3,400,000. Maintenance interval was
calculated from the design cost of $135,623.
The AS 350 was the prototype.
The AS 350 Firefighter is a specialized
modification for that role.
The AS 350B, -B1 featured different
The AS 350B2 was a higher gross weight
The AS 350BA and -BB have slight
modifications to the engine and rotor.
They are used by the British RAF as trainers under the designation
Eurocopter Squirrel HT.1 and HT.2.
The AS 350C and -D are North American
The AS 350L2 is a military version with a
546-kW engine.
The HB 350B Esquilo, as well as the -B1
and -L1, are licensed produced in Brazil as unarmed military aircraft.
From the Aerodrome for GURPS
© 2008 by Jim Antonicic