Model 337 Super Skymaster (O-2)
The O-2 is a "push-pull"
twin-engine aircraft adopted by the U.S.A.F. in 1967 for forward air control
(FAC) missions in Vietnam. The O-2 was
based on the civilian Model 337 Super Skymaster. This 4-6 person light aircraft was converted to military
specifications by reducing the crew to 2 (pilot and observer), adding a
military radio, and installing 4 underwing hard points for flares, rocket
launchers, and other light ordnance such as the M134 7.62mm Minigun.
The O-2 was used by U.S.A.F. and Air National Guard into the late
1980s. During its military career it
was sometimes referred to as the "Oscar Deuce" or "The Duck." Around the same time, Cessna discontinued
manufacturing the civilian version as well.
A total of 501 O-2As were manufactured.
It was used by many other countries, including Chile, Columbia, El
Salvador, Portugal, South Vietnam, Sri Lanka. Thailand, and Zimbabwe. In a civilian role, the O-2 was used in
California for firefighting duties. Reims
Aviation of France manufactured licensed versions of the Skymaster from 1969 to
the 1990s.
The plane burns 14.1 gallons of gasoline
per hour of routine usage. A full load
of fuel costs $186.
O-2A Super Skymaster
Subassemblies: Body +4, Wings +2, 3 Retractable wheels +1.
Powertrain: Two 157-kW HP gas engines [Body: F,B]; two
157-kW props, 2,000-kWs lead-acid battery.
Fuel: 93 gallons aviation gas (Fire 13).
Occupancy: 1 NCS, 1 NPS.
Cargo: 42 cf.
Armor F
All: 3/5
3/5 3/5 3/5
Body: Autopilot, Medium range radio, Navigation
Instruments, Transponder, 4-man Environmental Control.
Size: 29.8'x38.2'x9.2' Payload: 1.3
tons Lwt.: 2.7 tons
Volume: 703 cf. Maint.: 100
hours Price: $39,900
HT: 11.
HPs: 311 Body, 75 each Wing, 45
each Wheel.
aSpeed: 200
aAccel: 2 aDecel:
24 aMR: 6
aSR: 3
Speed: 63 mph. Takeoff Run: 268 yards.
Landing Run: 252 yards.
gSpeed: 138
gAccel: 8 gDecel:
10 gMR: 0.25
gSR: 4
Pressure High. 1/6 Off-Road speed.
Body is 575.9 cf; Wings are 69.3 cf,
wheels are 89.5 cf. Structure is Light,
Standard with Fair Streamlining. Armor
is DR 5 Expensive Metal. View is
Good. Mechanical controls. Wing volume was reverse-engineered from the
actual wing area of 202.5 sf. Cost,
weight, and HPs of the chassis were divided by 2 to more closely emulate the
real world weight values; this worked well for loaded weight (2% over) but not
empty weight (37% over). Real world
values are shown above in all instances where possible. Design aSpeed and Stall Speed were both quite
low (87 mph and 44 mph, respectively), so design aAccel was arbitrarily doubled.
The Model 336 Skymaster (1963) was the
initial civilian design, with fixed landing gear. It could seat 4-6 persons, depending upon configuration. 195 were built.
The Model 337 Super Skymaster (1965)
introduced retractable landing gear and an optional under-fuselage fiberglass
pack for an additional 300 lbs. of cargo.
Models 337A to 337H featured numerous
minor changes that are inconsequential to game design.
The P337G featured a pressurized cabin
and turbocharged engines. The P337H was
The 337M was the military version, or
The O-2B was a military version for
psychological warfare during the Vietnam War; it had no weaponry, but carried a
600-watt directional speaker and could drop leaflets. It was jokingly called the "B.S. Bomber."
The O-2TT was a twin-turboprop version of
the O-2.
The Summit Sentry O2-337 was an
unsuccessful military version produced by Summit Aviation Inc. in 1980.
Reims built licensed versions of the
337E, -F, -G, -H, P337H and T337G. The
Reims' version was denoted by starting with "F" (e.g., F337E).
The Reims FTB337G Milirole was a military
version of the F337G with STOL wings and underwing hardpoints. 61 were built.
The Lynx is the Rhodesian designation for
21 FTB337Gs in their possession.
From the Aerodrome for GURPS
© 2008 by Jim Antonicic