Fiat's first post-war design, the G.46
was a two-seat piston engine aircraft designed for training. It was produced for the Aeronautica
Militaire from 1947 until 1952, with 150 aircraft being delivered during that
time. Approximately 70 planes were also
exported. After it was retired from
military training schools, the plane continued to be flown by civil aero clubs,
as its excellent handling characteristics made it an ideal aerobatic trainer
and show plane.
The G.46 burns 8 gallons of aviation fuel per hour at routine usage. A full load of fuel costs $6.
Light Fighter chassis with Good streamlining +3; Light Fighter wings +2; 3
retractable wheels +0.
Powertrain: 160-kW HP gasoline engine with 160-kW prop
and 45-gallon fuel tank [Body]; 4000-kW battery.
Occ.: 2 CS Body
Cargo: 5 Body
Armor F RL B T U
Body: 3/5 3/5 3/5 3/5 3/5
Wings: 3/5 3/5 3/5 3/5 3/5
Wheels: 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3
Body: Medium radio transmitter and receiver,
navigation instruments, autopilot, backup driver.
Size: 28'x34'x8' Payload: 0.34 tons Lwt.:
1.55 tons
Volume: 144
Maint.: 95 hours Cost: $4,452
HT: 8.
HPs: 50 Body, 70 each Wing, 5
each Wheel.
aSpeed: 194
aAccel: 3 aDecel:
16 aMR: 4
aSR: 1
Speed: 60 mph. Take-Off Run: 450
yards. Landing Run: 360 yards.
gSpeed: 162
gAccel: 8 gDecel:
10 gMR: 0.5
gSR: 2
Pressure: Very High. 1/8 Off-Road
Historical wing area was 172 sf. The fuel capacity was based on the
historical load minus crew weight; this made design payload and historical
payload identical. Design loaded weight
was decreased 1% to the historical.
Design aSpeed was 189 mph.
Performance calculations were based on historical values for wing area
and loaded weight.
The G.46-1B featured a 145-kW engine.
The G.46-2B featured a 186-kW engine.
The G.46-3B was similar to the -4B in all
but a few minor details.
The G.46-A was a single seat
version. The -3A and -4A differed only
in minor details.
The G.46-5B was to be a specialized
navigation trainer; it was never more than a prototype.
From the Aerodrome for GURPS
© 2008 by Jim Antonicic