F7F Tigercat
As early as 1941, Grumman began designing
a twin-engined aircraft to be used by the U.S. Navy. The plane featured folding wing tips, an arrestor hook, and
tricycle landing gear. Originally
conceived as a carrier-based fighter for the new Midway class of aircraft
carriers, the design contained several flaws (including heavy weight and high
landing speed) that prevented the Navy from accepting the plane for carrier
use. Instead, the plane was delivered
to USMC units, but the F7F materialized too late to see any action in
WWII. The plane did see action with the
USMC in the Korean War for night interdiction and fighter missions. In the civilian arena, the plane was used as
a water bomber to fight forest fires in the 1960s and '70s.
The plane has a crew of one pilot. The night fighter versions add a second
crewman to operate the radar at the expense of some fuel tankage. The plane uses 155 gallons of aviation fuel
per hour at routine usage. A full load
of fuel and ammo (not including bombs) costs $428.
F7F-1 Tigercat
Light Fighter-Bomber chassis with good streamlining +3; Medium Fighter-Bomber
wings +3; two Small AFV Pods [Wings]
+2; 3 retractable wheels +1.
Powertrain: Two 1,545-kW aerial Supercharged HP gas
engines with two 1,545-kW props and 840-gallon self-sealing tanks [Body and
Wings]; 8,000-kW batteries.
Occ.: 1 CS
Cargo: 0 Body, 0 Wings
Armor F RL B T U
Body: 3/6 3/6 3/6 3/6 3/6
Wings: 3/6 3/6 3/6 3/6
Wheels: 2/3
2/3 2/3 2/3
Cockpits: 0/+10 0/+10
0/+20 0/+0 0/+10
Aircraft HMGs/12.7mm Browning M3 HMGs [Body:F] (300 rounds each).*
Aircraft ACs/20mm Hispano M2 ACs [Wings:F] (300 rounds each).*
pair linked, additional links fire four or all at once.
bombs or 6-8 5-inch HVAR rockets or 1 Mk 13-2 21-inch torpedo
Body: Medium radio and transmitter and receiver,
IFF. Wings: 1,000-lb. hardpoint each.
Size: 51.5'x45.4'x16.6' Payload: 3.85
tons Lwt.: 11.8 tons
Volume: 280 Maint.:
32 hours Cost: $39,813
HT: 6.
HPs: 165 Body, 330 each Wing,
150 each Pod, 10 each Wheel
aSpeed: 427
aAccel: 6 aDecel:
8 aMR: 2
aSR: 2
Speed 114.
gSpeed: 406
gAccel: 20 gDecel:
10 gMR: 0.75
gSR: 3
Pressure Moderate. 1/4 Off-Road Speed.
The historical wing area was 455 sf. Sources were unclear whether all planes
featured folding wings (since Grumman was constantly redesigning the craft for
carrier use approval). I assumed that
the arrestor hooks and folding wings were stripped from the F7F-1 aircraft sent
to the USMC to save the additional weight (280 lbs.). Fuel tankage was not available; the figure was calculated from
range and cruising speed values.
The F7F-1 was the first production model
to be used by the USMC. 33 craft were
built beginning in April 1944, but never saw action in WWII.
The F7F-2N was a nightfighter
version. It removed the rear fuselage
fuel tank to provide room for a second crewman (the radar operator), and
removed the nose armament (HMGs) for installation of the radar equipment. 65 were built before the contract was
cancelled on VJ-Day.
The F3F-3N was a nightfighter with a
slightly elongated nose to house improved radar equipment. It had 1,566-kW powerplants. 60 were built.
The F7F-4N was an improved version of the
-3N, redesigned with additional strength and stability for carrier-borne
operation. It had 1,600-kW
powerplants. This was the first version
of the plane the Navy accepted for carrier use. 13 were built.
The F7F-3E was a modified F7F-3 for use
in electronic warfare.
The F7F-3P was a modified F7F-3 for use
in photo-reconnaissance roles.
Interestingly, the plane was originally
going to be called the "Tomcat," but the moniker was abandoned as
being "too suggestive."
From the Aerodrome for GURPS
© 2008 by Jim Antonicic