F9F Cougar
When work began on the F9F Panther in
1946, Grumman convinced the U.S. Navy to postpone the idea of a swept wing
aircraft until the low-speed handling characteristics of such an airframe could
be evaluated. Then, in 1950, the
swept-wing MiG-15 appeared in the skies over Korea, dominating the Panther with
airspeeds a full 100 mph faster.
Needless to say, work on a swept-wing
version of the Panther began the very next month. The wings were swept back at a 35-degree angle, necessitating
several additional alterations to the fuselage, fuel tankage, and wing
structure. In many ways, this created
an entirely new aircraft, but the Navy elected to keep the same nomenclature as
the Panther, indicating that it was a derivative of that plane. The plane was designated the F9F-6, but
called the Cougar to differentiate it from it straight-winged cousin.
The F9F Cougar entered service in
1952. It possessed better carrier
handling characteristics than the Panther, and was faster. It entered service too late to see action in
Korea. It was used by the Blue Angels
demonstration team from 1954 to 1957.
The aircraft was withdrawn from service in 1959.
The Panther uses 725 gallons of jet fuel
per hour at routine usage. A full load
of fuel and ammo (not including bombs or drop tanks) costs $456.
Medium Fighter-Bomber chassis with Very Good streamlining +4; folding Light
Fighter-Bomber wings +3; 3 retractable wheels +1.
Powertrain: 7,250-lb. thrust turbojet with 919 gallons
self-sealing fuel tanks [Body and Wings]; 4,000-kWs batteries.
Occ.: 1 CS
Cargo: 4 Body
Armor F RL B T U
Body: 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3
Wings: 2/3
2/3 2/3 2/3
Cockpit: 0/0
0/+10 0/+20 0/+10
Aircraft ACs/M-2 [Body:F] (200 rounds each).*
in pairs, plus additional links can fire all four at once.
Body: Arrestor hook, medium radio and transmitter
and receiver, large radio direction finder, navigation instruments, autopilot,
bombsight, IFF. Wings: One 1,000-lb.
hardpoint each.
Size: 41'x35'x12' Payload: 3.6 tons Lwt.: 9.22 tons
Volume: 196 Maint.: 37
hours Cost: $29,369
HT: 7.
HPs: 210 Body, 120 each Wing, 20
each Wheel
aSpeed: 654
aAccel: 8 aDecel:
9 aMR: 2.5
aSR: 2
Speed 128. Take-Off Run: 745 yards (727
yards with catapult). Landing Run:
1,638 yards (26 yards with Arrestor Hook).
gSpeed: 449
gAccel: 22 gDecel:
10 gMR: 0.5
gSR: 2
Pressure Extremely High. No Off-Road
This design takes advantage of Very Good
Streamlining. Since swept wings were a
"cutting edge" advance in aeronautics, meeting the "engineering
challenge" is probably justifiable.
Calculated aSpeed and Stall Speed were 657 and 116 mph respectively; the
historical values are shown. The
historical wing area (300 sf) and loaded weight was used for performance
calculations. Design loaded weight was
increased 1%. Design payload was 8,624
lbs.; the historical value is shown.
The design purchases a 930-gallon fuel tank; the actual value is shown.
Typical load-outs for the underwing
hardpoints included two 1,000-lb. bombs or two 150-gallon drop tanks.
The F9F-6 was the initial production
jet. 696 were built.
The F9F-7 was similar to the -6. 118 built.
The F9F-8 featured a slightly longer
fuselage, and increased fuel tankage to 1,063 gallons. It featured a refueling probe. 601 built.
The F9F-8T was a two-seat trainer with only two ACs; 400 built. The -8B version was fitted to carry nuclear
weapons. The -8P was a
photo-reconnaissance version.
From the Aerodrome for GURPS
© 2008 by Jim Antonicic