Hot Air Balloon (TL7)

     A typical modern-day hot air balloon found across the country in fairs, festivals, and with private companies offering rides.  The gasbag is made of ripstop nylon or Dacron, with a flame retardant mouth area; the basket is most often made of wicker or rattan.  Lift is provided by a 30 million BTU propane burner.  It can carry 5 people comfortably.


Subassemblies:  Gasbag Envelope +8, Body +3

Powertrain:  100,000 cf of hot gas generating 1,667 lbs. of lift, 60 gallons propane in three 20-gallon standard fuel tanks.

Occupancy:  5 XSPS

Cargo:  0 cf.


Armor:  1/1 Non-rigid for Body

              0/0 for Gasbag Envelope



Size:  48'x48'x60'           Payload:  750 lbs.       Lwt.:  0.8 tons

Volume:  100,160 cf.     Maint.:  387 hours      Price:  $2,668


HT:  7.    HPs:  27 Body, 129 Gasbag Envelope.


aSpeed:  0     aAccel:  0     aDecel:  0.5    gMR:  0.125    gSR:  4

Stall Speed: 0.


Design Notes:

     The Body has a Super Light Frame with Cheap materials.  Armor is Non-Rigid.  Passenger positions are Exposed Standard Standing room.  A new balloon costs $12,000 to $20,000.



     The gasbag can be made into a variety of shapes and characters.  Some balloons have folding aluminum passenger baskets.


From the Aerodrome for GURPS

© 2008 by Jim Antonicic