Land Rover 4x4 Series I

     In constant production since 1948, the Land Rover was developed in 1947 to be a civilian all-purpose light truck.  Following WWII, the Rover Motor Company was seeking an interim design that could be produced at the company's factories until it could return to producing the luxury cars it was known for.  Using many components of the Willys Jeep, surplus aircraft aluminum and surplus Army green paint, the Land Rover was born.  It was planned to produce the vehicle for 2-3 years until cash flow improved, but the versatile, durable vehicle began outselling normal cars in production.  Sixty years later the Land Rover is still in production, and it is estimated that 70% of all Land Rovers built are still in working order!

     The car has room for one driver and three passengers.  The Series I burns 1.8 gallons of gasoline per hour at routine usage.  A full tank of petrol costs $3.


Subassemblies: Small Wheeled chassis +3; four Off-Road Wheels +1.

Powertrain:  39-kW Standard gasoline engine with 39-kW all-wheel drivetrain; 20-gallon standard fuel tank; 4,000-kW battery.

Occ.:  1 CS Body, 3 PS Body

Cargo:  7 Body


Armor        F       RL      B       T       U

Body:        2/3     2/3     2/3    2/3     2/3

Wheels:    3/5     3/5     3/5     3/5     3/5



Size:  11'x5'x6.5'     Payload:  0.46 tons       Lwt.:  1.77 tons

Volume:  36            Maint.:  313 hours        Cost:  $408

HT:  12.    HPs:  125 Body, 22 each Wheel.

gSpeed:  65    gAccel:  4     gDecel:  10     gMR:  0.75   gSR:  4

Ground Pressure: Moderate.  1/3 Off-Road Speed.


Design Notes:

     Design empty weight was 2,611 lbs.; this was decreased 6 lbs. to the historical.  Design gSpeed was 75 mph; the historical gSpeed is shown (but see the entry on Jeeps on p. W106 about top sustained speeds). 



     For the years of 1952-1956, the Series I was offered in 86" and 107" wheel bases (SWB and LWB).  (The original 1948 version featured an 80" wheel base.)

     For the years of 1956-1958, the Series I was offered in 88" and 109" wheel bases (SWB and LWB) to accommodate a 39-kW diesel engine.  The 39-kW gas engine was still available as well.


From the Aerodrome for GURPS

© 2008 by Jim Antonicic