Lincoln Town Car

     This is a top-of-the-line luxury sedan from Ford motors.  It is a four-door car with a spacious interior.  As of 2003, it can also be fitted with ballistic protection, increasing price to $145,000 (see p. CO90).

     The Lincoln Town Car burns 6.2 gallons of gasoline per hour.  Visibility is good.


Subassemblies:  Body +4, 4 wheels +0.

Powertrain:  178-kW improved wheeled drivetrain with 178-kW improved standard gasoline engine, 2,000-kWs lead acid battery.

Fuel:  19 gallons gasoline (Fire 11).

Occupancy:  1 RCS, 3 RPS.

Cargo:  21 cf.


Armor     F     RL     B     T     U

All:        3/5    3/5   3/5   3/5   3/5



Body:  Receive-only radio; sound system; high security alarm, airbags (NCS and NPS); 4-man environmental control, luxury interior.



Size:  18'x6.5'x4.9'     Payload:  0.67 tons       Lwt.:  2.68 tons

Volume:  388 cf.        Maint.:  31 hours          Price:  $41,352


HT:  12.    HPs:  225 Body, 24 each Wheel.


gSpeed:  104     gAccel:  7     gDecel:  15     gMR:  0.5    gSR:  4

Ground Pressure High.  1/6 Off-Road speed.


Design Notes:

     Body is 353 cf; wheels are 35 cf.  Structure is Light, Cheap.  It has improved brakes.  Armor is cheap metal.  Mechanical controls.  Empty weight is 4,039 lbs.  List price for a 2008 model is $50,900.



     The Signature Limited is a cheaper model without some of the luxury options.  List price $45,295.


From the Aerodrome for GURPS

© 2008 by Jim Antonicic