10 Electra
Lockheed's first all-metal aircraft, the Electra was 10-passenger transport featuring twin engines and a twin-rudder tail. It was adopted in 1934 by Northwest Airlines, followed by eight more American passenger lines. The plane was exported to Argentina, Australia, Chile, Columbia, Japan, New Zealand, Poland, Romania, USSR, UK, Venezuela and Yugoslavia. As a military transport, it saw service during the Spanish Civil War, and in WWII with the RAF, USAF, and the Royal Canadian Air Force. The most common version was the 10-A, with 101 examples built.
The Electra had a crew of two: pilot and
co-pilot. The plane had a historical
range of 810 miles. The plane uses 33.6
gallons of aviation fuel per hour at routine usage. A full load of fuel costs $52.
Electra 10-A (C-36A)
Medium Fighter-Bomber chassis +4; Medium Fighter-Bomber wings +3; two Medium
Weapon Pods +1; 3 retractable wheels +1.
Powertrain: Two 336-kW aerial HP gasoline engines [Pods]
with two 336-kW props, 260-gallon standard fuel tank, and 8,000-kWs batteries.
Occ.: 2 CS, 10 PS Body
Cargo: 0 Body
Armor F
All: 2/3 2/3 2/3 2/3
Body: Autopilot, navigation instruments, medium
radio transmitter and receiver, backup driver controls.
Size: 38'x55'x10' Payload: 1.92
tons Lwt.: 5.15 tons
Volume: 448 Maint.: 41
hours Cost: $23,914
HT: 9.
HPs: 210 Body, 330 each Wing, 75
each Pod, 20 each Wheel.
aSpeed: 202
aAccel: 4 aDecel:
23 aMR: 6
aSR: 2
Speed: 64 mph. Take Off Run: 455
yards. Landing Run: 410 yards.
gSpeed: 183
gAccel: 9 gDecel:
10 gMR: 0.5
gSR: 2
Pressure: Very High. 1/8 Off-Road
Historical wing area was 458 sf. Design aSpeed was 190 mph. Historical values for wing area and loaded
weight were used for performance calculations.
Design loaded weight was lowered 14% to the historical; design payload
was reduced 244 lbs. to the historical value as well. The design purchases a 270-gallon fuel tank; the historical
capacity is shown.
The 10-B improved engine performance to
328-kW. 18 built.
The 10-C was built for Pan American Airways with 336-kW
engines. 8 built.
The 10-D was to be a military version
that was never constructed.
The 10-E featured 447-kW engines. 15 built.
This was the plane in which Amelia Earhart disappeared without a trace
in 1937.
The XR2O-1 was a single US Navy staff
aircraft with 336-kW engines.
The XR3O-1 was a single US Coast Guard
aircraft with 328-kW engines used as a transport and ambulance.
The XC-35 was a single experimental
aircraft featuring pressurization and 410-kW turbocharged engines.
The Y1C-36 was a USAAC designation for
three 10-As used as transports. A
single plane used by the US National Guard was designated Y1C-37.
The C36A, C-36B and C-36C were USAF
designations for 15 10-As, 5 10-Es and 7 10-Bs (respectively) impressed for
USAAF service during WWII.
From the Aerodrome for GURPS
© 2008 by Jim Antonicic