9 Orion
Designed and tested in 1930-31, the Orion
was the last aircraft built by Lockheed to feature all-wooden
construction. The Orion was a
single-engine, single-pilot, six-seat passenger plane designed to meet the
growing need for commercial light aircraft.
Beginning in May 1931, it was adopted by thirteen U.S. airlines, and
enjoyed a good reputation for speed and reliability. Unfortunately, in 1934, the Civil Aeronautics Authority passed a
requirement that all commercial aircraft feature dual engines and a copilot for
safety, and the Orion became obsolete.
It continued to be used by private carriers for cargo and mail delivery,
and 13 aircraft were supplied to the Spanish Republican air force during the
Spanish Civil war. None of these planes
survived the war. In fact, of the 35
Orions built, only one example remains in a museum in Switzerland.
The plane had a historical range of 720
miles. The plane uses 20.5 gallons of
aviation fuel per hour at routine usage.
A full load of fuel costs $24.40.
Orion 9D
Light Fighter-Bomber chassis +3; Light Fighter-Bomber wings +3; 3 retractable
wheels +1.
Powertrain: 410-kW aerial HP gasoline engine with 420-kW
prop, 122-gallon standard fuel tank, and 4,000-kWs battery.
Occ.: 1 CS, 6 PS Body
Cargo: 1 Body
Armor F RL B T U
Body: 2/2W 2/2W 2/2W 2/2W
Wings: 2/2W 2/2W 2/2W 2/2W
Wheels: 2/3 2/3 2/3
2/3 2/3
Body: Autopilot, navigation instruments, medium
radio transmitter and receiver.
Size: 28'x43'x10' Payload: 0.78
tons Lwt.: 2.6 tons
Volume: 312 Maint.: 57
hours Cost: $12,236
HT: 11.
HPs: 165 Body, 120 each Wing, 15
each Wheel.
aSpeed: 220
aAccel: 5 aDecel:
17 aMR: 4
aSR: 2
Speed: 57 mph. Take Off Run: 325
yards. Landing Run: 325 yards.
gSpeed: 201
gAccel: 10 gDecel:
10 gMR: 0.5
gSR: 3
Pressure: Very High. 1/8 Off-Road
Historical wing area was 294 sf. Design aSpeed was 190 mph. Historical values for wing area and loaded
weight were used for performance calculations.
Design loaded weight was lowered 7% to the historical; design payload
was reduced 633 lbs. to the historical value as well. Historical cost of a new plane was $25,000.
The Orion 9 was the first production
model with a 313-kW engine. 14 built.
The Orion 9A Special has a 336-kW engine
and minor revisions. 1 built.
The Orion 9B were two planes delivered to
Swiss Air with 429-kW engines.
The Orion 9C was a single conversion of
an Altair DL-2A.
The Orion 9E were three planes
constructed with 336-kW engines.
The Orion 9F was a single executive
aircraft built with a 481-kW engine.
Another executive plane, the 9F-1, featured a 485-kW engine.
The UC-85 was a single Orion 9D used by
the USAF in 1942.
The Orion-Explorer was a single Orion 9E
fitted with a 482-kW engine. It was
built for a round-the-world flight attempt, but crashed in Alaska, killing both
From the Aerodrome for GURPS
© 2008 by Jim Antonicic