Twin Mustang
As the war with Japan approached its
final months, the US Army Air Corp decided that it needed a very long-range
fighter to escort B-29s from remote island bases in their attacks upon the
Japanese mainland. The P-51s and P-47s
did not have enough range, so the concept of the Twin Mustang was born. Not only was the plane larger, with longer
range, but also carried an "auxiliary" pilot to allow the primary
pilot to rest during the long escort runs.
During dogfights, however, the main pilot was responsible for flying the
craft and firing the weapons.
Design on the craft began in 1944, but
the concept for which the plane was created soon became moot as the US rapidly
advanced through the Pacific theater, and the war ended before the plane
finished production in 1946.
Nevertheless, the newly formed U.S. Air Force commissioned 250 of the
planes, which were used in the Korean War as an escort fighter and
nightfighter. The plane was also
redesignated the F-82, when the US military changed the "Pursuit"
class to "F" for Fighter in 1948.
The plane was employed heavily until 1951, but it was phased out by
mid-1953 in favor of jet aircraft.
The P-82s other claim to fame is setting
a long distance record for single flight by a fighter aircraft, flying from
Hawaii to New York in a single leg in 1948.
A full load of fuel and ammo (not
including bombs) costs $235.
American F-82G Twin Mustang
Two Medium Fighter chassis with good streamlining +3; Medium Fighter-Bomber
wings +3; 4 retractable wheels +0.
Powertrain: Two 1,193-kW aerial HP gas engines with two
1,193-kW props and 576-gallon self-sealing tanks [Body and Wings]; 8,000-kW
Occ.: 2 CS
Cargo: 0 Body, 0 Wings
Armor F RL B T U
Body: 3/6 3/6 3/6 3/6
Wings: 3/6 3/6 3/6 3/6
Wheels: 2/3
2/3 2/3 2/3
Cockpits: 0/+10 0/+20
0/+30 0/+20 0/+20
Aircraft HMGs [Wings:F] (400 rounds each).*
pair linked, additional link fire four or six at once.
bombs or 25 5" rockets
Body: Medium radio and transmitter and receiver,
IFF, radar. Wings: 2 1,000-lb.
hardpoints each.
Size: 51'3"x42'5"x13'10" Payload:
2.37 tons Lwt.: 12.2 tons
Volume: 368 Maint.: 32
hours Cost: $30,105
HT: 7
HPs: 120 each Body, 330 each
Wing, 9 each Wheel
aSpeed: 461
aAccel: 6 aDecel:
10 aMR: 3
aSR: 2
Speed 105. -8 aSpeed per loaded
gSpeed: 223
gAccel: 11 gDecel:
10 gMR: 0.75
gSR: 4
Pressure Extremely High. No Off-Road
The historical wing area was 408 sf.
I had to make guesses as to the MG load-outs as no hard figures are
The P-82B was the first production model;
of the 500 ordered, only 20 were built by the end of the war. The P-82C and P-82D were P-82Bs converted as
night-fighters, with SCR-720 and APS-4 radar, respectively.
The P-82E was ordered by the USAAF in
1946 as an escort fighter, and lacked radar.
100 were built.
The P-82F (100 built, with APS-4 radar)
and P-82G (50 built, with SCR-720 radar) were also ordered by the USAAF in
All variants were redesignated F-82 in
1948, and the F-82H was the last variant to be produced. It was a winterized version of the F-82G,
for use in Alaska. 14 craft were
From the Aerodrome for GURPS
© 2008 by Jim Antonicic