TX40 Truck
In the mid-1920s, the Japanese government was promoting the manufacture of domestically-produced vehicles. Isuzu and Kawasaki worked together to design the TX40, a 2-ton truck made solely from Japanese parts. First produced in 1933, the two-door truck was made from a wooden frame with steel sheets. The flat bed could be covered with a canvas top. In military service, it was known as the Type 97.
The truck has room for one driver and two
passengers. The Type 97 burns 2.2 gallons
of gasoline per hour at routine usage.
A full tank of petrol costs $3.36.
Medium Wheeled chassis +4; four Off-Road Wheels +3.
Powertrain: 48.5-kW Standard gasoline engine with 48.5-kW
all-wheel drivetrain; 22.4-gallon standard fuel tank; 4,000-kW battery.
Occ.: 1 CS Body, 2 PS Body
Cargo: 100 Body
Armor F RL B T
Body: 2/2 2/2 2/2 2/2
Wheels: 3/5
3/5 3/5 3/5
Size: 21'x7'x7' Payload: 2
tons Lwt.: 5.08 tons
Volume: 150 Maint.: 344
hours Cost: $582
HT: 11.
HPs: 330 Body, 55 each Wheel.
gSpeed: 49
gAccel: 3 gDecel:
10 gMR: 0.5
gSR: 4
Pressure: Very High. 1/6 Off-Road
Design loaded weight (without cargo) was
6,186 lbs.; this was within 0.004% of the historical empty weight. Historical loaded weight was arrived by
adding cargo capacity (2 tons) to historical empty weight (2,800 kg). No historical top speed could be found.
The Type 97 was also produced as a fuel
tanker. Given a 2-ton capacity, the
truck could carry 590 gallons of gasoline in a light fuel tank mounted to the
rear bed.
The TX35 was a 1.5-ton version designed
for civilian rural use.
From the Aerodrome for GURPS
© 2008 by Jim Antonicic